I’m Jane Li (she/her), a fourth year PhD student in the Cognitive Science Department at Johns Hopkins University working with Colin Wilson. I also work with Kyle Rawlins and Paul Smolensky. I’m interested in psycholinguistics, specifically questions at the intersection of morphology, phonology, and language production.
Prior to joining Hopkins, I completed my B.A. in Linguistics at Simon Fraser University. When I’m not doing stuff related to linguistics, you'll find me cross-stitching or making modular origami.
[June 2024] Presented a poster at SCiL 2024 on phonological featural representations and their relationship to allomorphy in RNN-LSTMs. This is joint work with Kyle Rawlins and Paul Smolensky!
[June 2024] Gave a talk at AFLA 31 with my collaborator Gérard Avelino (Rutgers) on plural morphology/semantics in Tagalog! [link to slides]
[May 2024] Honoured (with a u) to receive the SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship, which will support my research on psycholinguistics and allomorphy for the next couple years! 🦫
[March 2024] Gave a talk at the 48th Penn Linguistics Conference on the generalizations RNNs form while learning allomorphy.
(Click on the toggle next to the questions for more details!)
Representation/retrieval of the English plural regular allomorphs
As a starting point to the first research question above, my first project (≈first QP) looks at the processing efforts of the English regular plural allomorphs [z] (dogs), [s] (cats), and [əz] (leashes) during speech production.
Please feel free to reach out and chat!
Email: sli213 at jhu dot edu
Address: Dept of Cognitive Science, Johns Hopkins University, 3400 N Charles Street, Baltimore, MD. 21218.